**Front Side:**

- **Studio Logo:** At the top, prominently display your photography studio's logo. Make sure it's eye-catching and represents your brand identity.

- **Studio Name:** Right below the logo, feature the name of your photography studio in a stylish and easily readable font.

- **Tagline:** Include a brief and catchy tagline that conveys the essence of your photography style or your unique selling point.

- **Contact Information:** Display your contact details, including phone number, email address, and website URL. Make sure these are easy to read.

- **Studio Address:** If feasible, provide your studio's address. This could help potential clients locate your studio easily.

- **Images:** Showcase a few high-quality images that represent your photography style. These could be small thumbnail-sized images or a single larger image that serves as a visual example of your work.

**Back Side:**

- **Portfolio Collage:** Create a visually appealing collage of your best photography work. This could feature a mix of portraits, landscapes, events, and other genres you specialize in.

- **Social Media Links:** If you're active on social media platforms, provide icons and links to your profiles. This encourages clients to follow your work online.

- **Client Testimonials:** Include a couple of brief testimonials from satisfied clients. Positive feedback can greatly influence potential clients' decisions.

- **Services Offered:** List the various photography services you offer, such as portrait photography, wedding photography, event coverage, etc. This gives a clear idea of your expertise.

- **QR Code:** Incorporate a QR code linked to your website or online portfolio. This allows people to quickly access more of your work.

**Design Elements:**

- **Colour Scheme:** Choose a colour scheme that resonates with your brand and photography style. Ensure the colours are visually appealing and complementary.

- **Fonts:** Select fonts that are easy to read while also reflecting your studio's personality. Use one font for the main text and another for headings or taglines.

- **Whitespace:** Use whitespace effectively to avoid clutter and maintain a clean, professional look.

- **Logo Placement:** Ensure your logo is well-positioned and stands out, but doesn't overpower the rest of the card.

**Format Options:**

For the CDR format (CorelDRAW), you can use software like CorelDRAW to design your card. Make sure to export the final design to a high-resolution file for printing.

For the PSD format (Adobe Photoshop), you can design the card using Adobe Photoshop. Like with CDR, export the final design in high resolution for printing.

Remember, a well-designed visiting card not only conveys your contact information but also serves as a powerful marketing tool that leaves a lasting impression on potential clients. If you're not confident in your design skills, consider working with a professional graphic designer to create a card that truly represents your photography studio's brand.

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